Saint Mary Mokena Appoints Deacon John Rex

Deacon-John-RexSaint Mary Parish in Mokena has appointed Deacon John Rex to its staff. In his role, Deacon Rex will assist with weekly liturgies, homilies, funerals, Baptisms and will play a central role in the parish’s evangelization efforts.

“We are blessed to have a man so passionate about the faith and evangelization here with us,” says Father Dindo Billote, pastor of St. Mary Mokena. “Deacon John is an amazing homilist and will be helping bring Catholics home to the church!”

Deacon Rex was ordained in 2005 after attending Mundelein Seminary. A former Methodist, he had converted to Roman Catholicism in 1992, after which he became involved in a variety of church ministries at his previous parish, Saint Damian in Oak Forest. “My priest at St. Damian encouraged me to enter the Deaconate and, after a period of discernment, I decided to do it,” says Deacon Rex.

Professionally, Deacon Rex owns Lighthouse Printing, a printing, packaging and promotional company based in his current hometown of New Lenox, where he lives with his wife of 36 years. He also has four adult children and three grandchildren.

“I am excited to take on my new role at St. Mary Mokena,” says Deacon Rex. “I look forward to doing whatever the Holy Spirit guides me to do.”

To listen to Deacon Rex’s first homily, please visit

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